Elk Hunt
By Carlen13
This weekend was Jakes elk hunt up Cedar Mountain. He has a bull tag and his friend Kaulin has a cow tag. His brother Ty came down from Logan with his girlfriend Nataliet. Friday night the weather was aboslutely perfect lots of wildlife out and about. The boys camped over Friday night and around 6 AM Saturday morning it started to rain pretty hard and never did stop. It was muddy and our gear was soaking wet we didn't even see so much as a squirrel because of the rain. So we packed things up and headed home it was snowing by that time and there was about 3-4 inches around the Cedar Breaks area. It was still a good time but no elk yet the hunt ends mid October.
Cedar Mountain
By Carlen13
For our anniversary Megan got me a game trail camera these are some of the images from it keep in mind it was only up for 3 days before we pulled these videos off it. I'll post more as we get them. But for now I'd say were off to a great start.
Talk about close encounter!
Hope this little guy makes it through the winter he's pretty skinny.
Turkey Time
By Carlen13
Well we hit the big 1 year mark! Its gone by fast. We went down to Vegas and stayed in a suite at The Venetian it was great. We went to the buffet at Mandalay Bay for dinner then came back to The Venetian and did a Gondola ride outside. It was nice there is a clip of our boat driver singing for us below. It was an awesome way to celebrate our anniversary.

By Carlen13
All Tuckered Out
By Carlen13
Tuesday Night our friends from Arizona came up to visit. We had dinner and played some Singstar it was a good time.
Otter Creek Trip
By Carlen13
We went camping for two nights at Otter Creek near Circleville, UT. Grandma and Grandpa Carlen met us there and we stayed in the trailer with them. It was fun we had alot of laughs and caught some good size trout. It stormed off and on the entire time but luckily we had the trailer. And actually the weather change was a nice break from the scorching St. George sun. Here's a few pics of the trip.